Global Quality Standard for Learning Solutions
Education Alliance Finland provides a product evaluation & certification service based on global quality standards for learning solutions.

TOEFL® Young Students Series is intended for assessing the students’ competency in the second/foreign language learning.
The TOEFL Primary® tests are offered as 3 different tests: the Reading and Listening Test — Step 1, the Reading and Listening Test — Step 2, and the TOEFL Primary Speaking Test.
The TOEFL Junior® tests are intended for students ages 11+. There are 2 TOEFL Junior tests: The TOEFL Junior Standard test, and the digitally delivered TOEFL Junior Speaking test.
As testing is a very crucial part of language learning, ETS conducts extensive research to provide high quality assessments. The results below are then not coincidence.
Here are some highlights from Education Alliance Finland report and why you should prefer using TOEFL Young Students Series:

TOEFL YSS Program High Educational Quality Aspects:
1. TOEFL YSS testing gives granular and accurate feedback on the students development in the second language learning.
2. The testing results give teachers good guidance for differentiating their teaching according to the needs of the individual students and the whole group.
3. The feedback focuses on competences and progression, which makes the test process feel encouraging
In terms of Learning Goals;

The evaluator maps the product’s learning goals against a specific curriculum/curriculums. All supported skills are listed and classified as didactic (A-level) or facilitative (B-level) goals. The EAF Evaluation Tool has several hundred skills listed from various national curriculums on several subjects (Languages, STEM, Arts etc.).
The TOEFL Young Student Series is classifies as A in the areas below, and B in the areas not listed here: :
- Encouraging the growth of positive self-image
- Supporting student to build their own linguistic and cultural identity
- Learning about different languages
- Learning to notice causal connections
- Practicing to observe spoken and written language
- Practicing memorizing skills
- Practicing to evaluate one’s own learning
- Practicing to set one’s own learning goals
- Learning to find the joy of learning and new challenges
- Practicing to look things from different perspectives
- Practicing to notice causal connections
In terms of Pedagogical Approach:
The TOEFL Young Students Series are evaluated varying points from 89 to 95 being assessed in four parameters of pedagogical area.

-The report cards provide data-based feedback to the teachers, and also to the students. The feedback is formulated in a manner that is encouraging and gives clear improvement suggestions without feeling too negative or discouraging.
– The focus of the test is to measure the current competence of students. Therefore test can’t, and shouldn’t be trained to. TOEFL YSS doesn’t offer material for training for the test. There’s a good variety of questions in the test, that change each time. The feedback focuses on competencies and things to improve.
– The main benefit of testing is the chance to differentiate and individualize learning based on the test results.
– The student will receive feedback that helps them to develop as individuals. The results are delivered in a format that can be easily used to communicate to parents as well, and that way engage them with the child’s learning.